In August, 1930, the Victor congregation discontinued its pastor supply arrangement with the Muscatine Baptist Church on the once monthly basis, a common bond which had united them so many years. Now the people realized that they must actually step out in faith with vision and purpose to seek God's will.
Paul Friederichsen, student pastor who had been with the church for two previous summers, was engaged to come from Chicago twice a month, beginning in the fall of 1930 for one year. He was given a license to preach and to preside at the Lord's supper. Revival services were held during the winter with Torrey Johnson, and several families and others in the area came to know the Lord. There were many evidences of the working of the Holy Spirit and members found new joy in witnessing to others and studying the word of God. This is true of evangelistic efforts to the present time
In August, 1931, special meetings with Torrey Johnson, Paul Friederichsen, and Tom Robinson were held at the Victor American Legion Hall where many found salvation and lives were dedicated to the Lord. A successful daily vacation Bible school was held in the daytime.
From September, 1931, to May, 1932, Torrey Johnson served as Victor pastor, coming twice a month. He was followed by Ray Schulenburg who spent the summer pastoring the church. He continued coming from Chicago the first and third Sundays each month, serving from 1932 to 1933. Then the Rev. and Mrs. Elmer J. Hutchison arrived in Victor. He became the first full time resi dent pastor for six months on a free will offering basis. This call was extended for another six months and then for a year. The 1934 offerings amounted to
$612.60, a small amount for so great a service.
During continued hard times, in 1935, the parsonage was purchased for
$1,500.00 with a down payment of $300.00. The Rev. and Mrs. William Scho bert and family were its first occupants, receiving $60.00 per month. A second offering plate was purchased that year and the first regular morning and evening offerings were taken.
The John Walkup family took up the Victor pastorate in 1938. In June of
1939 electricity was installed in the church and in September there was an or dination service for Pastor Walkup. The rewriting of the constitution was com pleted and adopted in January, 1940. During 1941-1944 the Rev. and Mrs. H.W. Wedel spent the final years of his active ministry in Victor, after which Pastor and Mrs. John Broeder and family served from 1945-1948.
After many years of using a single cup and plate for serving the Lord's supper, another set was added as the church membership grew. In the mid-forties the change was made to individual cups with the presentation of a communion set to the church by the Women's Missionary Union. Another set was given as a memorial in the sixties. Beginning in 1946 a janitor was hired for $240.00 an nually.
White Cross work began in 1945 and continues in the making and sending of complete layettes for the maternity centers in the Cameroon, West Africa, also rolling bandages and supplying other hospital needs. At the present time there are some 35 women involved in the group. Most of the income goes to the work and projects of the church conference in Cameroon, Nigeria, Brazil, Japan, and the United States.
Pastor and Mrs. Dale Chaddock accepted a call to Victor from 1948 through 1951, during which time he also served as Iowa County Youth for Christ direc tor. In 1950 serious discussion centered on the possibility of moving the church to town. At about the same time an offer to purchase an available church build ing in Victor was investigated but was declined. In December, 1951, a new auto matic oil heating system was installed in the church for $1,339.00. By way of comparison, in 1931 the new furnace purchased then, cost $170.00.
Pastor and Mrs. Alvin Wetter and family served the church from 1952-1956. The church name was changed to Victor Baptist Church in September, 1953, and the state charter was renewed for another 50 years. Special Thanksgiving week services honored the 50th anniversary of the building of the church with a Christian Life Conference conducted by Dr. Thorwald Bender of Chicago. In June, 1954, the church put in new florescent light fixtures. At a communion service March, 1955, a new pulpit, a communion table and two pulpit pews were presented to the church and dedicated to the Lord's work, as memorials and gifts, which added to the beauty of the sanctuary. The church exterior was painted the same year.
In the fall and winter of 1956-1957, $6,000.00 was raised to enlarge and re model the parsonage. With volunteer labor, two bedrooms and basement area were added. Among materials given, a complete floor and some lumber were moved in from the Blome farm. The kitchen was remodeled and a wall removed to form a larger living room. New windows and storms were put in some of the other rooms. The parsonage was ready for Pastor and Mrs. Fred Schmidt and family who came in April, 1957. The 55th church building anniversary was cele brated October, 1958, with Dr. George A. Lang speaking at two special services. The possibility of building onto the west side of the church reached the planning stage but went no further.