
To maximize your gift please consider giving in the offering plate or through ACH with your bank.
This helps Victor Baptist avoid any processing fees.

Scroll Down For Credit Card Giving

Giving Options

Give at Church

The easiest way to give is to come to church and simply drop cash or check into the offering plate during the service.

Giving Options

Give By Mail

You can also give by dropping a check in the mail or setting up Bill Pay with your bank. Mail your contributions to:
201 7th St, Victor, IA 52347

Giving Options

Give via ACH

To give via ACH, please download this file, fill it out and return it to Kim Nelson.
Click Here

Giving Options

Give Through PayPal

Giving online is easy. Just enter the amount you want to give in the box below and then click the button and pay by credit card or paypal account. There is no cost to you.